Saturday, September 28, 2013

Circles of acquaintance: Clancy, Solimine, Kennedy & nonprofits

Why do two different corporations have nearly identical names, one being a profit and one a nonprofit? 

And why is Edward, Clancy Jr. a Board of Director in both of Solimine's nonprofit corps as Solimine is a keen supporter to Mayor Kennedy?  Is Kennedy aware of the connections or is everyone one big happy family?  Show me your friends?

Atlantic Rest Home NP, Inc. 
(Non profit)
David Solimine Jr.,  President, Treasurer, Clerk, Director

Atlantic Rest Home, Inc. (Profit)
David Solimine Jr.,  President, Treasurer, Clerk, Director

Lynn Shore Rest Home NP, Inc. (Non profit)
David Solimine Jr., President, Treasurer, Clerk, Director

Lynn Shore Rest Home, Inc. (Profit)
David Solimine Jr., President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director

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