Sunday, November 10, 2013

Voter spoofing?

Something you should know.  This is a only a hypothesis.  Maybe...

Fact:  Savvy candidates use a voter database software to analyze how people vote and think to 'Get Out the Vote' at the polls.

The Democratic Committee uses VoteBuilder to analyze voter history.
The Republican Committee uses GOP Data Center.

Personal data frequently included in a voter database:
Physical address
Mailing address
Phone number
Party membership or affiliation
Voting history (including federal, sub-national, primary, municipal, or special election voting history)
Absentee or military voter designations
Source of voter registration:  DMV/MVA, Public Assistance Office, etc.
Ethnicity or emerges race hypothesis
Birth date or age range

Data that may be included:

"Extreme voters" status (voters who vote very frequently)
Hunting or fishing license holders
Boat owners
Concealed Weapon Permit Holders
Occupation such as physical therapist, teacher, etc.
Charitable or political contributions
Magazine subscription status

Candidates use this voter information to pull voters to the polls by targeting those who have a consistent history of voting and how they might vote.


what is preventing Savvy candidates from using the voter database to analyze the history of WHO TRADITIONALLY DOESN'T VOTE, by using those abandoned ballots to fill the polls with their own people to cast a vote in someone else's name.  Some kind of organized union could manipulate large numbers over several district polling places.  Why not?

Not to give out any ideas, but lets face how easy the ballot system is to manipulate with this much knowledge.  Asking for an ID at the polls may not be so undemocratic after all.  It could protect democracy.

If you think being apathetic by not voting is not hurting anyone, think again.

Lynn & democratic committees racist?

WARD 1, a predominantly caucasian and probably mostly a municipal union inhabited ward, has 3 polling places.  Three.  Three.  Would one say this increases community interest easily to access these communal school locations?

All other wards have 1 polling place, except for Ward 5.  Ward 5 is a mix of caucasian and different vibrant races and ....

I bet you're thinking this unbinds any suspicion that the polls were intentionally located to attract caucasian voters if Ward 5 has two polls within a mixed constituency.


In WARD 5 the two polling places are within a block of one another in the mecca of caucasian senior citizen communities within the multitude of towers surrounding the polls at Lynn Voc. Tech Annex and LHA (Lynn Housing Authority) Community Hall.   Make you wonder?

List Of Lynn Polling Places and Maps
WardPrecinct(s)Polling Place NameAddress
11Shoemaker SchoolClearview Avenue
12Briarcliff Lodge112 Kernwood Drive
13 | 4Sisson School56 Conomo Avenue
21 | 2 | 3 | 4St. Pius Lower Church Hall215 Maple Street
31 | 2 | 3 | 4English High School50 Goodridge Street
41 | 2 | 3 | 4No. Shore Community CollegeBroad Street
51 | 2 | 3Lynn Voc. Tech AnnexCommercial Street
54LHA Community Hall10 Church Street
61 | 2 | 3 | 4Lynn Voc. Tech FieldhouseNeptune Boulevard
71 | 2 | 3 | 4Breed Junior High School90 O’Callaghan Way


WARD 6's poll is located around the corner from the two polls in WARD 5 right near... the elderly towers.  How about them apples?
Nothing like spreading the polling locations around the city to get an even equilimbrium of voter attraction?  

Shall I question more?
Is WΑRD 4's poll intentionally nearest the other senior towers and upper Diamond District?
Is WARD 2's poll, a private school intentionally positioned towards upper limits area?

What more?

Are there any democratic committees in Lynn?   Who knows?  

What does democratic mean?  
Democratic means favoring or characterized by social equality.

Well, how come in a non-partisan municipal election, democratic committees supported certain caucasian democratic candidates and not others of color?

Gallo, Crighton, Cahill, Chakoutis... who supported you?   

Some non-democratic committee?   Maybe someone will make a report.