Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mayor and Ward 1 Candidates Debut

The debates in Ward 1 at the Knights of Columbus...

Beginning Ward 1 candidates Wayne Lozzi and Debra Plunkett

Reveal on question 1 
Boulerwoods and cul-de-sac cut through, impact on neighborhood.

Debra Plunkett answers - The project was 'approved' by the Lynn Planning Board.
Does this mean Plunkett 'approves' of the development despite neighborhood opposition?  Despite, wasn't there a bit of wrong with the approvals in how the process skipped further studies of the area?  

Wayne Lozzi next points out Debra's major campaign supporters:  Solimine family and a person from the blasting company working on Boulderwoods.

Debra Plunkett rebuts saying Lozzi received donations from Solimine in past from 2005.  Did Debra just make Wayne look like an angel if this didn't stop him from fighting Solimine's development?  

Next question 
Citizen requests for DPW service in the neighborhoods.
Debra Plunkett said she will address every issue, unlike the present.
Wayne rebuts revealing DPW is understaffed.   
Right? Is it fair new comers pick up to say they will do a better job when the Mayor didn't balance the budget to include more DPW support?  Current ward councilors have zero control.  Hey, was that intentional?

Wyoma Square and the Hospital services is fine and dandy.

These were the highlights of the debate.  


Mayor candidates Judy Kennedy and Tim Phelan

Some highlights...  
Mayor diffuses question of salaries, blaming council for taking a percentage of mayor's salary.  If lowered would be $1-2 grand less?  What is a bigger deal?...   Let's hear how the mayor with the same theory that one doesn't need a college degree to be a CFO, yet gives Department Heads raises sinking the city's budget?   Tim too classy to identify the issue or is he afraid to go against the unions? 

This is the biggest issue in Lynn and why we don't see services.  

Other colorful comments came from Phelan on moving the Shelter from downtown to another area, in order to improve the center.  And where is the budge to make repairs in schools?  Are our children going to have to wait 10+ years before something is fixed?

Watch the debate on Lynn Cam TV channels or Lynn Happens for more of the debate.  

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